Difference Between Hermaphrodite And Transgender

Difference Between Hermaphrodite And Transgender
Difference Between Hermaphrodite And Transgender

Hermaphrodite vs Transgender

Hermaphrodite and transgender are terms that are different from one another, and a number of differences can be identified between the two terms. However, the idea of Hermaphrodite and Transgender can be confusing for some people. Simply, a Hermaphrodite can be considered as an individual or else an organism that has both male and female reproductive organs. Transgender, on the other hand, refers to an individual who is born in one particular sex but feels that he or she belongs to the opposite. For example, imagine a person who is biologically a female, but feels out of place and wishes to be a male. This is a Transgender. This can be considered as the basic difference between the two terms. This article attempts to elucidate the two terms while emphasizing the difference.

What is Hermaphrodite?

A Hermaphrodite has both male and female reproductive organs. Usually, this refers to various organisms such as plants. When it comes to human beings, this is very rare. If a person is Hermaphrodite, both the testicular and ovarian tissues can be seen in the person. Such individuals face a lot of discrimination in the society due to their gendered nonconformity in the eyes of the society. It is often difficult to assign such a person to a particular sex. Some Hermaphrodite conditions are considered as intersex, but not all intersex are Hermaphrodite. In some countries, Hermaphrodite are given the power to transform into a chosen sex legally but, in others, it is not allowed.

Difference Between Hermaphrodite and Transgender
Difference Between Hermaphrodite and Transgender

Clown fish are initially male and then the largest fish in a group becomes a female

What is Transgender?

Transgender is a word used to refer to people who feel out of place in their birth identity or sex, and wish to change their gendered identity. In some situations, a transgender can feel neither as a complete male or else a complete female in the socially approved manner, but in between. Such a person may experience difficulties in conforming to the standards gender roles and gender-related identities that have been socially constructed. Even though gender conformity is a hot topic in our modern society, along with the recognition and controversial opinions of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender movements, the existence of transgender individuals is not a new phenomenon to us. Such individuals have been with us throughout history in many cultures. Some people go through various surgeries and also take hormones in order to change their sexual identity. This can even be viewed as a manner of conforming to the accepted gender roles of the society. However, this is not always the case. Transgender people face various forms of discrimination directly and also indirectly in the society. Through different social institutions, they can be discriminated socially, economically, and even politically. However, today transgender individuals are fighting for their rights through various movements and awareness campaigns.

Hermaphrodite vs Transgender
Hermaphrodite vs Transgender

2013 Rally for Transgender Equality

What is the difference between Hermaphrodite and Transgender?

• Hermaphrodite is an individual or else an organism that has both male and female reproductive organs.

• Transgender refers to an individual who is born in one particular sex but feels that he or she belongs to the opposite.

Images Courtesy:

  1. Clown fish by Metatron (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  2. 2013 Rally for Transgender Equality by Ted Eytan (CC BY-SA 2.0)
